Monday, March 24, 2014

March Madness

Shew, it has been a busy few months! Anyone else as happy as I am that the snow days are finally over?!? Maybe we can FINALLY have a normal schedule for a change! Here's hoping! Here are some snap shots we have taken over the past few months. Look how big these little ones are getting!

Drew making a sign for the OHS basketball team!

Waiting outside for the basketball team to arrive! We had tons of fun cheering on the boys to state!

Jessica was in the St. Patrick's Day spirit :)

Mr. Gaddis gave an awesome speech to our Sutton kids about putting first things first and the importance of school. He talked about beginning with the end in mind- if you want to play sports at OHS, then your work comes first!

For a spring craft, we synergized to make word family flowers on Friday

Spring has finally arrived in Kindergarten! We love our new hallway display!

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