Sunday, September 22, 2013

ARRRRRRghh Matey!

Have you been hearing the phrase "hunk and chunk" around your house lately? Hunk and Chunks is a strategy we use to sound out words. These "chunks" in words make specific sounds that do not follow standard letter sounds. We focus on one specific chunk each week. So far, we have covered: SH, CH, OO, EE, TH, and AR. These sound patterns can come at the beginning of a word, middle, or the end.

Sh- sheep, wish
Ch- chicken, sandwich
Th- that, the, with
Ee- bee, tree
Oo- school, zoo
Ar- smart, arm, star

This week, our Hunk and Chunk was "ar", as in the sound a pirate on the high sea makes! What better way to learn about -AR than to become a pirate?! That's exactly what we did this past Friday! The students all received their own pirate name, went on a treasure hunt, created an art project, read pirate stories, and even sang some silly pirate songs!

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