Tuesday, September 11, 2012

3, 2, 1... Blast Off!

After months of planning, it is finally here! A blog from the Kindergarten team at Sutton Elementary School! The four of us (Miss Sarah DeWitt, Mrs. Susan Bratcher, Mrs. Tiffany Hoffman, and Mrs. Mary Williams) have decided to create a blog to communicate with parents in a new, trendy fashion. 

Our goal is to transform this blog into an interactive site for our students and parents. We want our parents to be able to have a true understanding and insight of what goes on in the classroom. We also hope to eventually allow our students to help design and create new blog posts as the year progresses! Student-directed learning is what we aim for at Sutton Elementary and this project in a step in that direction. 

This blog will allow students to use their creativity for posts, captions and even comments on pictures and/or posts. Technology continues to make it's presence very much a part of the classroom environment; therefore, we feel it is important to introduce our Kindergarten students  to it as frequently as possible. Our intentions is for the blog to continue practices with sentence structure, vocabulary, spelling, reading and many other skills that are taught in the classroom. 

We hope you enjoy our unique, collaborate effort to communicate learning and truly use this blog as a "kindergarten keepsake" :) 

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