Friday, December 20, 2013

A December to Remember

December is always a crazy month in elementary schools, but it is also one of the best! There is nothing like the smiles we have seen all week on our students' faces.

This holiday season our kindergarten team is truly thankful for a fantastic group of students. They make our job worth every minute! Thank you for bringing them to school every day ready to learn and grow.

All Kindergarten and First Grade classes took a trip to the movies to see Frozen! 

Mrs. Bratcher's class had fun playing "Pin the Nose on Rudolph"

Enjoying Polar Express Day with some hot chocolate and popcorn!

Mr. Grinch crashed our pajama party!!!

He even tried to steal Miss DeWitt's Christmas tree!!

Miss DeWitt's class LOVED the Grinch! It was an absolutely perfect last day before break.

The results of Miss DeWitt's game, too funny!

If Santa was stuck in my chimney, I would poke him with a fork to make him suck in! Loved this idea!

How AMAZING are these Grinch paintings?! The kiddos did a great job!

Grinch floats!

Christmas twins :)

We decided to be creative with our fruit this week too! Grinch kabobs were a hit.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Opinion Writing

The focus of our writing lessons have been making an opinion. This age group, as we know, LOVE to share their opinion :) We learned how to explain and justify our opinions in writing. This is a skill we will continue to spiral through our writing lessons throughout the year. 

Read Aloud: What Pet to Get?
Question: Which Pet is Best: Cat or Dog? Why is that pet the best?

Field Trip Frenzy!

This post is just a tad past due, but better late than never! In the month of October, our Kinder friends were able to go on TWO field trips! The first was to see dance performances by Musick Studios. We even saw Mrs. Hoffman and Mrs. Bratcher's oldest daughters perform!! They were fantastic! Our second field trip was to Trunnell's Farm. This was a grade level favorite! The students learned about pumpkins, squash, gourds, and the differences between them. We took a hayride to the pumpkin patch and were able to bring home our very own pumpkin!! Our tour guides gave us a tour of the corn maze and the mini market full of homemade jams, juices, and slushies (which we got to taste test)! The crowd pleaser was the animal and fun station- the students were able to feed baby pigs, cows, and goats! Here are a few snapshots of our fun filled October!