Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sharpening the Saw

Surprise! The students were able to take a 15 minute brain break to "Sharpen Their Saws" with the letter H! We hula hooped, played hopscotch, hopped with jump ropes, and played hot potato.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Lately in K

Our first post of the new school year is here! We are having so much fun making new friends and learning new things. We are off to a bit of a late start, but we have been busy getting settled in our new classrooms. Be looking out for another post this week introducing our classes to the blog world and getting to know a little bit about each teacher :)

In our first 11 days of kindergarten, we have been working super hard on: learning new sight words "the", "here", and "see", Letters "Aa" and "Ee", and color words "red" and "green". In math, we have had tons of fun exploring shapes and where they are in the environment. This week has been focused on postional words and learning how to describe an objects location.

Here are a few quick pictures captured from this week!

Having fun with magic playdoh! If your playdoh turned colors, then you are going to have a great year!

Writing the Room!

Exploring ways to sort real world shapes

Many varied and unusual ways to create pictures from shapes!

Taking advantage of the beautiful day and used chalk to practice writing our names!
Such a fun morning!
At first it was a circle. Now it is a flower. The students were so creative! 

Thank you for stopping by,
The Sutton K Team!